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Maritime Surveys

Marine surveying involves inspecting and assessing ships, boats, and other marine vessels and structures to determine their condition, value, and compliance with industry regulations and standards. It is typically conducted by qualified marine surveyors with specialized knowledge and training in ship design, construction, and maintenance.

Overall, marine surveying is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of marine vessels and structures and protecting the interests of owners, insurers, and other stakeholders in the marine industry."Marine surveying involves inspecting and assessing ships, boats, and other marine vessels and structures to determine their condition, value, and compliance with industry regulations and standards. This work is typically done by qualified marine surveyors with specialized knowledge and training in ship design, construction, and maintenance.

Marine surveying, a cornerstone of the marine industry, is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of marine vessels and structures. It plays a significant role in protecting the interests of owners, insurers, and other stakeholders in the marine industry.

Global Marine/Maritime Surveyors and Consultants 
Network operating 24/7 

Green Shift Group is part of a global marine surveyor network consisting of many independent marine surveyors who provide survey and inspection services to the maritime industry worldwide.
The network consists of surveyors who are experienced in a wide range of marine disciplines, such as hull and machinery, cargo, marine engineering, and offshore.

The main purpose of a global marine surveyor network is to provide reliable and professional marine surveying services to clients across different locations and regions around the world. Our clients include ship owners and operators, insurance companies, maritime law firms, and other organizations involved in the maritime industry.

Our global marine surveyor network operates on a decentralized basis, with each member operating as an independent surveyor. However, the network is utilizing Green Shift Group to provide a central coordination and management function, which allows our clients to access the services of surveyors in different locations around the world through a single point of contact (24-hour urgency response).

The service level of our global marine surveyor network is restricted to surveyors who meet the GSG vetting criteria, such as holding recognized qualifications and having extensive experience in their field of expertise. This ensures that the network maintains very high standards of quality and professionalism and that clients can be confident in the expertise and capabilities of the surveyor services they engage.

Pre-Purchase Survey

Our pre-purchase surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects: 

  • Record review of maintenance, DD’s works completed, history of damage claims, and open risk assessment concerns.

  • Inspections of hull, accommodation, and machinery.

  • Equipment inspection and testing (Equipment performance test as agreed with Owners).

  • Management systems inspections and compliance with IMO regulations.

  • Certification and vessel documentation inspection for compliance.

Condition Survey

Our Marine Condition Surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

  • Extensive condition surveys to ensure that the vessel is safe, shipshape,  and effective for its intended operations.

  • Condition surveys provide an in-depth report enabling the vessel owners to be aware of potential areas onboard and inboard the vessel that requires immediate work and/or any repairs before they result in failure.

  • Marine Condition Surveys can include an agreed repair work specification for any deficiency of equipment noted during the survey.

  • Marine Condition Surveys provide vessel owners, charterers, and underwriters with an independent report on the vessel’s overall condition, operating procedures, crew training, and safety awareness.

Draft Survey

Our draft surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

  • Audit Solutions

  • Cleanliness pre-inspections of tanks/holds/equipment.

  • Damage Surveys

  • Guaranteed Business Solutions

  • Loading and Discharge Supervision

  • Logistic Support

  • Sampling & Analysis

  • Fumigation and Pest Management

Purchase & Sales Survey

A marine purchase and sale survey is an inspection of a vessel conducted by a marine surveyor to determine the condition and value of the vessel. The survey is typically carried out when a person/owner is considering buying or selling a vessel, boat, or yacht.

During the survey, the marine surveyor will assess various aspects of the vessel, including the hull, deck, superstructure, engines, electrical and plumbing systems, and navigation equipment. The surveyor will also look for any signs of damage, wear ,and tear, or maintenance issues that may affect the vessel's seaworthiness and value.

Once the survey is completed, the surveyor will prepare a detailed report that includes a description of the vessel's condition, any defects found, and recommendations for repairs and maintenance. The report can be used by the buyer or seller to negotiate the sale price and/or to determine whether any repairs or upgrades are necessary before the sale can be completed.

Overall, a marine purchase and sale survey is an essential step in buying or selling a vessel, as it can help ensure that both parties are aware of the vessel's condition and value, and can make informed decisions about the transaction.

P&I Survey

Our P&I surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

When transporting cargo, ships can encounter many challenges. If a vessel suffers any damage at sea, whether it be equipment damage, cargo damage, or other minor incidents, it immediately risks the environment and lives of seafarers.

P&I surveys minimize:

  • Minimize risk at sea and prevent potential accidents.

  • Protect the lives of seafarers onboard and the ecosystem.

  • Ensure smooth, uninterrupted business operations.

  • Limit downtime, off-hire, and operational disturbance.


Shipowners today must maintain compliance and offer protection to seafarers. Our marine P&I surveyor performs inspections onboard to identify a ship's seaworthiness, and safety, and provides recommendations based on findings and facts to make shipping safer and more efficient for the Shipowner. A routine P&I survey ensures peace of mind and promotes a culture of trust and safety onboard.

Therefore, P&I surveys have proven to be indispensable to the shipping industry. With the GSG P&I surveys, we help our clients minimize risks, maximize operational efficiency, and improve the environment and safety of those on board.


  • Pre-Attachment and All Types of Condition Surveys

  • Loading and Outturn

  • Cargo Damage

  • Hull and Machinery

  • FFOs

  • Pollution

  • Stowaways

  • Crew Injury

  • Casualty Damage, Investigation, Costs, and Negotiation with third parties

  • Wreck Removal and Scrap Proceeds accordingly to P&I insurer

  • Provision of Security, Port Entry

  • Project Cargo

  • Cargo Theft and Fraud

  • Container and Equipment Damage

  • On/Off Hire Surveys, Bunker Surveys, Draft Surveys

  • Bunker Dispute/Shortages

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Off-Hire Survey

Our off-hire surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

  • Inspection of all cargo holds weather decks in cargo handling areas, cargo cranes/gear.

  • ROB (rest on board) Sounding of all bunker fuel tanks, including heavy fuel and marine diesel oil.

  • Bunker report is signed and certified by the surveyor, the vessel's chief engineer, and the vessel’s master.

  • Inventory of securing cargo gear.

  • A full report detailing vessel condition, including photographs and bunker figures.

  • Condition assessment for off-hire.

JH143 Risk Assessment Survey -
conducting risk assessments in shipyards

The JH143 Risk Assessment Survey is a set of guidelines for conducting risk assessments in shipyards.

The JH143 guidelines were developed by the UK's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers Association (SSA)  and LMA Joint Hull Committee to help improve health and safety in shipyards.


The JH143 Risk Assessment Survey involves a systematic evaluation of potential hazards associated with shipyard operations and activities. It is designed to help shipyard operators identify potential hazards and assess the level of risk associated with each hazard. This assessment includes factors such as the likelihood of an incident occurring and the severity of the consequences.

The JH143 guidelines provide shipyard operators with a framework for conducting risk assessments that includes the following steps:

  • Identify the hazards associated with the shipyard operations and activities.

  • Determine the level of risk associated with each hazard.

  • Develop control measures to eliminate or reduce the risk associated with each hazard.

  • Review and update the risk assessment on a regular basis to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

The JH143 Risk Assessment Survey is intended to help shipyard operators improve the health and safety of their workers and create a safer working environment. It is often required by regulatory bodies and insurance companies as part of the shipyard's safety management system.

Average Survey

Our Average survey includes, but is not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:


Average survey assessment with 24/7 estimate of the extent of damage with a first cost estimate of repairs or loss resulting from an incident. Our surveyor will provide recommendations for the repairs required (Temporary or permanent repairs) and can be commissioned to supervise these repairs.

Average surveys on behalf of the Insurer or the Insured consist of a minimum of full Identification of the cause of the accident with root cause analysis.

Repair specification with tenders from repairers, and shipyard quotations.

Assistance with vessel operation to repair facilities i.e., discharge of cargo prior commencing repairs.

  • Where needed we provide salvage with approved salvor quotations for the salvage assignment to the BIMCO contract agreement.

  • Commissioning and back delivery to the Owner of the vessel at the completion of damage repairs.

  • Final repair invoice negotiation with repairer, and shipyard.

  • Technical perusal of damage costs for the Insured and/or the Insurer.

Hull & Machinery

Our Hull & Machinery surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

Our surveyors bring an in-depth, extensive, and exclusive technical understanding of: 

  • Main Engines 

  • Generator sets

  • Electrical power distribution

  • Fuel and Lube treatment plants

  • Boilers

  • Turbochargers

  • Propellers

  • Rudders

  • Shafting

  • Stern tubes

  • Cargo equipment/gear.


Green Shift Group performs Hull and Machinery surveys on behalf of the Insurer not limited but included to Loss of hire surveys:

  • Damage investigation.

  • Root cause analysis conclusion of causalities extent.

  • Conclusion to the cause of the incident & the circumstances that led to it as part of a Loss prevention program.

  • Assess the quality of repair and present the vessel repair on behalf of the Insured or the Insurers.

  • Provide impartial advice to underwriters ad hoc. 

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Marine Warranty 

Our Marine Warranty surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

A Marine Warranty Survey is the verification, by a marine warranty surveyor, of the requirements of an insurer specified in a Warranty Clause covering a marine operation to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to avoid loss.

A survey typically includes reviewing all relevant documents, condition surveys of vessels and equipment, and approval of marine operations to ensure that best marine/cargo industry practices and correct procedures are followed and undertaken safely, reliably, and in compliance with regulations.

  • Towing approval

  • Heavy lift transport

  • Project cargo

  • Managing the risk of incidents

  • Quayside Operations:

    • Loadout, Lifting, Float out.

  • Review of Engineering, including Sea fastening/Securing


Background and history of The Marine Warranty Survey (MWS)

The Marine Warranty Survey (MWS) is a product of the offshore industry, arising out of the increasing complexity of operations that were being carried out from the 1970s onwards. Not only were these operations more complex, but they were also extremely expensive, necessitating an increased level of governance, surpassing what had so far been performed, to an extent, by class surveyors. The MWS is now an intrinsic part of offshore operations and a valuable tool for both the assured and the insurer.

The role of the Marine Warranty Surveyor should not be confused with that of the classification societies and their class surveyors. 'Class' certifies that the vessel construction complies with the relevant standards and ensures continuing compliance by carrying out regular surveys of the vessel in service. It extends only to normal vessel operations and does not include the non-routine operations that the vessel might be involved in.

The MWS, on the other hand, is engaged only in relation to designed, non-routine marine operations of limited duration carried out at sea. Alongside the increase in the numbers and complexity of non-routine operations since the 1970s, there has also been an increase in the number of casualties experienced during these operations.

The surveyor is appointed to act on behalf of both the assured and the insurer in relation to a specific, non-routine marine project, to provide a qualified, independent third-party review of the project with a view to reducing to an acceptable level the risk of a casualty occurring, and to ensure that those operations are performed to recognized standards and codes.

The title of Marine Warranty Surveyor is not one that can be obtained from a school, by taking courses or similar. Appointment as an MWS on one project does not necessarily qualify that the same person can work as an MWS on another, different type of project.

The appointment as an MWS will be project specific, with the experience and requirements agreed between the underwriter and the assured. The MWS should also have a thorough knowledge and experience in using and applying the industry standards for the intended project. In addition, the MWS should have a formal marine education and experience with the vessel type and type of project they are to act as an MWS for, ideally with a formal education as a Master Mariner, Naval Architect, specialist structural engineer or similar.

The company where the MWS is sourced from should have a number of personnel with a track record of being engaged as MWSs, have in place established policies and procedures that the MWS follows, and an approved Quality Assurance system and acceptable level of solvency.

The requirement for a Marine Warranty Survey arises when:

  • The assured has high value equipment and/or is involved with high-risk marine or offshore operations.

  • The assured has entered into a contract under which risk is allocated to them.

  • The insurer seeks clarification and comfort that the risks to which it is exposed are in accordance with acceptable standards.

  • The insurance policy includes a warranty or condition requiring MWS approval of specified operations.

  • An MWS could also be instructed to carry out a condition survey of an entered vessel if it is not IACS Classed or there are conditions of class.


The MWS' scope of work
As the quote which headed this article sets out, the prime objective of the MWS is to assess whether the risks associated with the relevant onshore and offshore marine construction operations are reduced to an acceptable level in accordance with best industry practice. If the MWS is content that this is the case, they will issue a Certificate of Approval (CoA), which identifies the operation, the vessels and equipment to be used and states whether the CoA is subject to compliance with recommendations or requirements.

In order to achieve this, the MWS' role is not limited to surveys, but will also include desktop activities such as reviewing the design basis and criteria, the engineering and the procedures. Following that, and once the MWS is satisfied with the quality and risk level of these documents, a warranty review letter will be issued.

The MWS' scope of work includes a review of the relevant project documentation, including all calculations, voyage plans and the like. These documents must be reviewed and approved by the MWS. As part of the review process the MWS will also take part in, amongst other things, HAZIDs (Hazard Identification studies), HAZOPs (Hazard and Operability studies) and project meetings to ensure that risks are identified and dealt with in an acceptable way.

There will also be a physical verification, during which the MWS will inspect the actual equipment to be used, looking at not just its condition, but also the certification and documentation, manning levels and experience, and the requirements of the project.

For some projects, the MWS will also attend the actual operations to witness that they are performed in accordance with approved procedures.

On what type of projects will we ask for an MWS to be appointed?
Offshore activities are always evolving, as are the ways more traditional operations are carried out. This means that it is not possible to have a definitive list of activities where the appointment of an MWS will be required, and this is something which can be required at our discretion. However, as a general rule, the following activities are examples where we will ask for an MWS to be engaged:


  • Transportation of heavy objects on deck – project cargo, vessels, MOUs, etc.

  • The towing of vessels, barges, MOUs and other floating structures

  • Offshore installation of jack-up units, jackets, topsides, foundations, FPSOs, etc.

  • Heavy Lifting of all modules and structures

  • Sub Sea Operations such as the installation of subsea infrastructure, pipe/cable laying

  • Decommissioning operations

  • Salvage which is subject to a salvage plan

  • In addition, and as noted above, an MWS condition survey is required if the entered vessel is not IACS classed or has conditions of class.


The benefits of an MWS for the assured and the insurer

There is a perception that the MWS is a representative of the insurer sent in to audit the assured. That is not the case, as the independence of the MWS is one of the most important factors in their engagement. The MWS is able to bring a number of benefits to both the assured and the insurer, beyond the obvious advantage of reducing the risk of a casualty or other marine incident.

While most operational teams will be focusing on only one project over a lengthy period of time, MWS companies will, by contrast, be instructed in a number of projects at the same time. This allows them to bring a significant level of operational experience, helping to improve the procedures, avoid previously made mistakes based on lessons learned from earlier projects, and contributing generally to improving the industry standards.

In addition to the operational experience, MWS companies will also have marine and engineering experience, providing expertise and advice to a project, if necessary. All the experience, and - in particular - the combined engineering and marine knowledge, should give the assured a benefit where its operations are less likely to result in incidents, delays, and downtime.

From the insurers' perspective, the appointment of an MWS provides an additional layer of quality assurance and risk management, which serves to reduce the number of claims and related costs for non-routine operations.

The use of MWS is likely to reduce claims, improve the involved organizations and make for better, more efficient operations.
(Source: Skuld)

Bunker Quality Survey

Our Bunker surveys and testing include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the below aspects:

Bunker survey testing and inspection from GSG ensure the quantity and quality of the marine fuel you purchase and operate.

We provide ship bunker fuel inspection testing and inspection services to help ensure the quality and quantity of delivered fuels during bunkering. Our testing protocols are in full conformity with ISO 8217 specifications.


Check DnV Bunker Survey eller BV VeriFuel – Bunker Quality Surveys to ensure your cargo is compliant with legal requirement.

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On-Hire Survey

Our on-hire surveys include, but are not limited to, an inspection of the following aspects:

  • Inspection of all cargo holds weather decks in cargo handling areas, cargo cranes/gear.

  • ROB and sounding of all bunker fuel tanks, including heavy fuel and marine diesel oil.

  • Bunker report is signed and certified by the surveyor, vessel's chief engineer, and master.

  • Inventory of securing cargo gear.

  • Full report detailing vessel condition, including photographs and bunker figures.

  • General condition assessment.

Damage & Incident Survey

Our Incident & Damage surveys include but are not limited to, an inspection of the below aspects.

We carry out investigations into the "root cause" of major failures to prevent re-occurrence as frequent damage occurrence.

We regularly carry out statement interviews and collect the statements of parties involved in damage investigations with our solicitors.

We arrange and manage salvage operations, sometimes on board the casualty and throughout the operation, closely collaborating with our salvage master or appointed salvage master ensuring safe and successful results.

We assist in the tendering and repair process, being involved with negotiations and settlement of the repair costs, having gained deep knowledge of shipyards' practices.

  • Machinery damage repair specification supporting the extent of the damage.

  • Material or design faults analysis conclusions with third-party Laboratory e.g., FORCE technology.

  • Collision and Groundings

  • Flooding and Sinking

  • Fire and Explosions

  • Mast and Rig Failure

  • Sail and Canvas Damage

  • Heavy Weather Damages

  • Machinery Failures

  • Theft, Loss, Embezzlement

Towage Approval Surveys & Towage certificates of approval (CoA)

A towage approval survey is an inspection conducted by a marine surveyor to assess the suitability and safety of a vessel for towing operations. The survey typically includes an examination of the vessel's towing equipment, such as towing wires, winches, and towing hooks, as well as the vessel's structural integrity, stability, and maneuverability.

During the towage approval survey, the marine surveyor will also evaluate the crew's training and experience in towing operations and ensure that the vessel complies with all relevant international and local regulations and standards.

The towage approval survey aims to ensure that the vessel is fit for towing and can safely and efficiently perform towing operations without endangering the crew, cargo, or the environment. The survey is often required before a vessel is allowed to participate in towage activities or before a contract is signed for towing services.

GSG offers Towage Approval Surveys and issues towage certificates of approval (CoA)

Marine Suitability Survey

A Marine Suitability Survey is a comprehensive assessment conducted to determine the suitability of a specific location or area for marine-related activities or development. It involves a thorough examination of various factors and considerations that may impact the success and sustainability of marine operations.

The survey typically involves the evaluation of physical, environmental, and logistical aspects of the proposed marine activity. It may be carried out by government agencies, environmental consultants, or marine engineering firms, depending on the specific requirements and regulations of the region.

During a Marine Suitability Survey, the following aspects are commonly assessed:


  • Physical Characteristics

  • Environmental Considerations

  • Infrastructure and Logistical Assessment

  • Regulatory and Legal Compliance

  • Socio-economic Factors 

The findings of a Marine Suitability Survey are used to inform decision-making processes, such as project planning, permit applications, and environmental impact assessments. 

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